Saturday, January 19, 2008

George Washington

This statue of George Washington on his horse greets visitors to the Public Garden. Created by Thomas Ball in 1869, it is the first statue of the former president on his horse.


Lara said...

I really like this kind of photos! and if the sky is blue, like here, they are even better!

BeanTownBoy said...

This is an awesome photo. Suffolk used a photo of that statue, covered in snow, in a mailing I received a couple of years ago. I liked it so much, I cut it out and framed it!

smilnsigh said...

Majestic! And he even has an icicle hanging from the side of his hat. :-)


Isadora said...

:) This reminds me of the rider under cover of snow in Buda that I took last week. George was young here :)