Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday Doorway

Doorway to the John Adams Courthouse, Pemberton Square. The Adams Courthouse is home to the Massachusetts judicial branch.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Amy, the Roller Girl

This is Amy, who goes by the name "Bad Person" #55 as a member of the Wicked Pissahs Roller Derby team. I met Amy, excuse me, "Bad Person" on the Common Saturday as she was skating around on her quad wheels and promoting an upcoming double header, or bout as they like to call it, on April 17th at Shriner's Auditorium in Wilmington.

First game starts at 5:00pm: Boston Massacre vs. Philadelphia. The second game at 7:00pm and features the Cosmonaughties vs. Nutcrackers.

Amy said they don't play too physical a game, but I think she was just being modest. After all, why do they call their games bouts? More information and pictures of the teams can be found on the Boston Derby Dames website. It's worth a visit just to read some of the Roller Deby names the women use.

Here is another shot of "Bad Person" in her Roller Girl uniform with the postcards she was handing out.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monochrome Monday

Two young street performers on Boylston Street, near Trinity Church.

Visit other Black & White sites participating in Monochrome Weekend. (scroll half way down the page to see the links of this weeks participants).

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Street performer

With a very brave girl from the audience on his shoulders, this performer was going to attempt to ride the miniature tricycle. And yes, he was successful riding the bike and not dropping the girl.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Seen under the Seaport Bouldevard Bridge near the Children's Museum

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monochrome Monday

Muse, outside Boston Public Library. A different perspective.

Visit The Monochrome Weekend site for more b+w photos! (Scroll down the page for links to participants)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Two Lions

Lions guarding interior stairways, Boston Public Library.

The Lion on the right sits atop a granite base inscribed with honors for the Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, also known as the Harvard Regiment. The Lion on the left likewise honors the officers and men of the Second Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Both regiments were considered among the best in the Union Army and participated in almost all of the major battles and many of the smaller battles of the Civil War.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Parking (and Driving) in Boston

No Parking! Tow Zone! No Problem in Boston as you can see. Driving, and parking, in any urban area is difficult, but especially so in Boston, a city noted for its bad drivers. John in the UK posted a similar photo of scofflaws last week from one of his trips to Boston.

To further enhance the reputation of Boston drivers, The Travel Channel is running a series on America's Worst Drivers this Sunday, and the city featured this week, no surprise to me, is Boston.

(Please note: I removed the video link as it is now dated)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Newspaper kiosks

A sign of the times? Newspapers are failing as younger readers are not buying newspapers, yet still expect to get their news online and free. I for one like holding a newspaper in my hands, spreading it out and scanning the stories to find the ones that catch my interest. It's just not the same reading a newspaper online.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday Doorway

Today is Wednesday and time for another doorway. This week's doorways are the interior doorways of the Boston Public Library. Below is a closeup of one of the three interior doors.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tom Rockwell

Tom works at Project Place and lives at the YMCA on Huntington Ave. Tom spends a lot of his free time searching for lost "treasures" in the city. He uses a metal detector, but mostly he scans the ground for things that people drop and lose or sometimes fall out of rings and earrings. He said he probably has the largest collection of diamonds in Boston, and one of these days he is going to have them appraised.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monochrome Monday

Copley Square, late afternoon.

Visit The Monochrome Weekend site for more b+w photos!
(Scroll down the page for the list of links)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dulcimers and Memories

A gentleman playing a Hammered Dulcimer on the Boston Common. Seeing the dulcimer brought back memories of an English Lit. class I took in college and the acerbic (and funny) comment of the professor who said that only coeds at Radcliffe played dulcimers. We were reading Coleridge's Kubla Khan at the time and his comment and the lines from the poem have always stayed in my memory:
A damsel with a dulcimer
In a vision once I saw:
It was an Abyssinian maid,
And on her dulcimer she played,
Singing of Mount Abora.

If you remember Radcliffe College you are probably a little older than you care to admit. Radcliffe was absorbed into Harvard and officially ceased to exist in 1999, though it really disappeared once the agreement with Harvard was signed in 1977.

I captured this scene about a week ago on a beautiful sunny Saturday when it seemed all of Boston was strolling through the Common and Public Garden. You can see some of the strolling Bostonians and other visitors in the photo on the left.

Final Touches

Street performers, or buskers, getting ready before setting up on the Boston Common.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Skywatch Friday

This week's Skywatch Friday includes a view of the Soldiers and Sailors Civil War Monument on Boston Common. View other Skywatch Friday photos.

The monument stands 72 feet tall, or 22 meters. The total cost of the monument was $110,000 in 1877 and was funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The column is topped by a figure representing the Genius of America. Four statues at the base represent Peace, the Sailor, the Muse of History, and the Soldier. Bas-relief plaques depict the departure and return of the forces, the Navy, and the work of the Boston Sanitary Commission. In one plaque, Longfellow can be seen accompanying the governor. The figures at the base of the column represent the sections of the country: North, South, East, and West.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bulldog Magee

Yes, that is a plastic water bottle he is chomping away on. His owner said he just likes it. I failed to get the dog's name, but the title I chose seems appropriate to me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday Doorway

One of the Muse's on the pavilion outside the Boston Public Library and the three doorways. Notice the beautiful lanterns by the doorways, they are probably the best I have come across in town. Here is another view of the Dartmouth Street entrance to the BPL.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Beth Uptegrove

I met Beth outside the Boston Public Library on Saturday. She was taking photos and like everyone else in Boston enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. Beth was very friendly and quick to smile, as you can see. She said she designs displays for the Harvard Coop Bookstore in Cambridge and was looking for a photo of Boston to use in a display she is planning. Beth said she previously worked as a photo stylist before her present job.

This photo is one of my 100 Strangers series and also my weekly entry for Monochrome Monday.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chinatown Gate

The traditional Chinatown Gate (paifang) with a foo lion on each side is located at the intersection of Beach Street and Surface Road. Here is a picture of the gate I took a few years ago from a different location.
More information on Boston's Chinatown.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monochrome Monday

Park Street Church on a rainy, foggy Monday. The building obscured by fog in the background is the 37 story One Beacon Street building.