Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Massachusetts State House

A snowy state house in December.


George Townboy said...

Beautiful shot! Love the way you got the fence in there.

Hilda said...

Very impressive building, especially that gold dome. Love your perspective.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Wow, what a scene!
So vibrant with white snow under the blue sky! You really made the most of it, the perspective is great.

I really loved some of your previous posts, my absolute favourite being "stairs and shadows" but your Merry Christmas photo was lovely too, and so was Mary Dyer with snow on her lap.

CeciliaGallerani said...

Amazing sky! You used the fence so well in this.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Wow, that is one blue sky. Lovely photo.

Marie-Noyale said...

That dome is as "gold" as new!!

Curly said...

The snow adds a bit of an authentic winter theme to it.

I hope you don't mind me taking the easy route by copying and pasting this comment, it is by far the easiest method of getting my message to so many CDP photobloggers.
I am not sure that I can sustain South Shields Daily Photo much longer, it is so difficult to keep finding new material on a daily basis,
and after more than two years inspiration and motivation are becoming harder to find, so I may become less daily from time to time.
I hope you can find new hope and inspiration, and that a new start in 2009 brings everything that you desire.
The CDP photoblogging community has grown massively over the past year and I'd like to thank those who have visited South Shields Daily Photo, especially those who have been kind enough to leave a comment or two.
Best wishes for 2008




South Shields Daily Photo

abc said...

Sometimes the sky blue just comes out perfectly. I guess this is one of those shots. Great perspective too!