Thursday, August 20, 2009


Spotted on Boylston Street.


Malyss said...

Funny scene! I like the perfect indifference of the man inside..

B SQUARED said...

Do all construction workers look alike?

brattcat said...

I love all the figures in this. The inside, the outside, and the reflection figures. Great shot.

VP said...

Very, very funny and well caught!

Cezar and Léia said...

men in blue!
Great shot!

Lowell said...

One has to look at this a minute to figure it out. At first, I thought that guy was being carried by the two in blue!


Martina said...

Very funny indeed - I also like the yellow stripes as an addition to all the blues. Wondering what the guy might be thinking ....

Stefan Jansson said...

Good one!