Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hatch Shell


Malyss said...

What a strange... thing? place? monument?..An open air theater maybe?Whatever it is, this half circle thing attracts the eyes!

Jack said...

If I get out there now, maybe I will have a good seat for the concert on the Fourth.

Malyss said...

Thank you for the explanation!

irinapictures said...

No people???
Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Cezar and Léia said...

Happy New Year dear friend!
hugs to your heart,

Birdman said...

A pretty bleak image for a December day in the NE. You've captured it. Know this place well.

Stefan Jansson said...

Looks good in black and white. It would be fun to see it with a capacity crowd.

CaT said...

why is there a fence?