Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ski Mad

The car's license plate says it all.


Malyss said...

We cannnot choose our license plates in France. Sometimes, I'd like to!

ADEEYA said...

Same here we cant choose our plates. Well , our plates need to hv three number and three letter :)

Cezar and Léia said...

Even in the license plate, these folks are really crazy about it! :)
God bless you!

Birdman said...

Today mine would say:
WDSTVMAD... STAY WARM. hahahahaha

Luis Gomez said...


ellen said...

Maybe it's skim ad. :)

Jack said...

And it is even a Volvo. I used to think of Volvos, Saabs and Suburu's as the quintessential cars of upper middle class families in greater Boston. Good on the Vermont and New Hampshire icy roads (and to soccer games).

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That says it all!! We have some crazy plates here too!

Irene said...

Cool! In Norway we can't choose our license plates :(

Wish you a great week!


Gunn said...

If the owner has "Villa-Volvo and Voffy" He or she has a good life, we say and joke.... ;)