Thursday, November 29, 2007

Remembrance of things past II

Sometimes buildings disappear, but echoes remain. Look closely and you will see traces of a building in this one.


• Eliane • said...

I like this. You can see layers of history.

b.c. said...

Oh, me too, I really like this is what you were talking about. Hmm, the side of it looks sort of burnt or something?

Lara said...

history should be preserved.

FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

The Times Irish Pub patio! :) Do you remember what was there before?

smilnsigh said...

Yes! Amazing!

This is a so much more full of history photo of the side of a building, than the one I posted a while ago.


sam said...

lovely way of putting it! and cool pic too.