Friday, February 29, 2008

State House Hall


Isadora said...

Beautiful colors, dramatic space, master wrought iron work, majestic chandeliers - beautiful. Nice picture :)

Xav971 said...

Thanks for this visit of the state house. Can't wait for the room of flags. By the way, I've given you an award that you can see on my blog
Keep picturing Boston the way you do. It's just great !

George Townboy said...

Another great photo. I used to make a point of walking through the State House just about every day when I was in college. Love it!

Chris said...

Your state house is so beautiful. I think the wrought iron railings are just beautiful. Ours is quite dark by comparison.

Thanks for asking about the appt. I had the other day. . .I have to have some tests today. OUCH. Keep your fingers crossed!

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

I love the movement in the picture!

b.c. said...

ok, your photos are just out of this world spectacular, is it the place or is it the photographer :)

no seriously, great stuff

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

How fun. Love this lovely photo, great lighting.