Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Exit only

South Station Subway exit.


Nathalie H.D. said...

Great choice of b&w for this shiny stainless steel work.

Isadora said...

:) As a foreigner and teenager when I first encountered these turnstiles it was a puzzle. However, they do make a great photo!

Sorry we did not have a chance to meet while I was in MA. It was a 'working' vacation sorting through family matters and no transportation. There are worse places to be stranded than Wareham but still, it would have been nice to venture into the city.

Chris said...

I like this in b&w. . . Steel does work well in B&W, but I think that it's the angular lines that reall work well here.

Marie-Noyale said...

you almost don't want to call it black and white but just silver reflections..
It looks very good.