The theme this month is "Metal." I chose a picture of General Motors Hummer, an over-sized SUV that gets the worst mileage of any civilian vehicle and weighs over 8,000 pounds (3,629 kilos).
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Is it a rumor that they're gonna stop manufacturing Hummers?
Good illustration of the worse of humanity nearly 4000 kgs of steel to move only 100 kgs of human.
Good illustration of the theme day.
Someone told me they saw one of these in Monte Carlo recently. It must have had difficulty getting thru the streets! Great choice and the commentary.
I've never seen one for real, but I've heard about it. That thing's a monster! And I don't think it'll fit in a lot of Manila's residential streets.
Oh, who cares about it not being practical when it is SOOOO HOT!! I love these cars - there is one in Budapest and don't forget the one David Caruso rides in :)
I've seen a stretch Hummer here. The sooner these gas guzzlers are crushed and recycled into something useful, the better!
Sydney Daily Photo
I have seen the strech one too in NYC...
Let's hope they join the dinosaurs pretty soon... One in a museum will be just enough!!
That sure qualifies as HEAVY metal.
Excellent choice for this month's theme. Nothing worse than egregious waste and this vehicle certainly personifies it! Well done.
Happy Theme Day!
First, I like your choice!
Second, I drive a Mini Cooper, and the only time I really feel unsafe is when I'm next to a semi or a Hummer.
They're totally impractical. I see them driving around our town usually with only the driver inside.
Great choice for this theme day, an expensive one, here some people get this vehicles to gain some kind of status. Happy Sunday!
Heavy big shiny metal. No mistaking what the theme was here.
That's clever!
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