Saturday, November 22, 2008

Samuel Eliot Morrison

Bronze statue on a granite base of Samuel Eliot Morrison located on the Commonwealth Avenue Mall, between Exeter and Fairfield Streets. Circular platform at foot of sculpture includes bronze casts of shells, starfish, and crabs, as if at the ocean's edge. Sculpture by Penelope Jencks.

Commemorates Samuel Eliot Morison, historian, sailor and two-time Pulitzer prize winning author. Morison researched and personally retraced the route Columbus took to the New World, and later documented Columbus' adventures and translated Columbus' log in his epic work, "Admiral of the Ocean Sea."


Unknown said...

Looks a good statue and something a bit different.

Jeanne said...

This is my favorite statue on Cmmonwealth, along with the Women's History ones of course. Love this man with vision sitting on a rock looking out to the horizon instead of military men on horses or with guns.