Saturday, July 18, 2009

Street musicians

Two of the better street performers I've encountered during lunch time in Boston. Actually, the scene reminded me of a recent movie called The Visitor, because the drum player looked like he stopped on his walk and just sat down and started playing, much like the character in the movie.


Martina said...

Lol - I do not know about the movie, but my first thought was: Hm, he looks like an accountant or some other "business man" who just stopped by ... and then I read your posting. Funny.

Birdman said...

That is a funny expression, you've 'caught' here. Music at lunchtime can be so soothing and stress reducing. Nice work.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love street musicians. The drummer looks like an actor but I can't put my finger on which one.

B SQUARED said...

love street musicians The little town I am spending the summer in, has them every thursday evening. It is a wonderful variety and makes for an enjoyable evening.

AB said...

I love the drummer's expression in the shot

brattcat said...

The composition of this is really wonderful. I find the drummer interesting but also the guitarist and the pedestrian behind him and the bike and the pot of flowers and the drain spout. It all comes together so beautifully here.

Lois said...

Yes he does look like he just stepped out of his office and decided to bang on the drums! Very nice.

joo said...

More than right, he looks like passserby who's just sit to try how to play:)
Very nice photo.
Have a great weekend:)

Hilda said...

I think I would have enjoyed listening to them — I love hand drums! Can't imagine how he lugs those big things around though.

Lowell said...

Street musicians are fun to watch and if they're good that's even better. Nice capture!

VP said...

I saw 'The visitor' and you're right: there is more than something of the main character in this player.