Thursday, October 15, 2009

Street work


Hilda said...

I hope they're not holding up traffic and that they'll be done quickly!

Lachezar said...

A disrupting daily activity becomes poetry on your photograph! Fantastic image.

John said...

Great monochrome. They look as though they are not sure if you are checking up on them.

Cezar and Léia said...

I have seen lately many such workers here in my city and also in other places I visited recently in Europe.
Beautiful picture, perfect b&w!

brattcat said...

Such an interesting photograph. They did not look particularly pleased to have you documenting what they were doing.

MCCasey said...

maybe they thought you were Howie Carr checking up on the city workers again..

B SQUARED said...

It never stops in Boston.

cieldequimper said...

They do look kind of like they would bite.

jennyfreckles said...

This has a lot of impact in mono - not something I would have thought of phtographing but it really works.

Lowell said...

That is, obviously, a very colorless job. Stark, even. I think that guy may be ready to come after you and eat your camera!

Great photo, though!

Shelly Kneupper Tucker said...

Amazing how your eye behind the camera has taken what seems a mundane job and turned it into art. Am I too silly if I say, "I can dig it?"
This Eclectic Life

Martina said...

A very nicely composed b/w. With its perspective it gives a little claustrophobic feeling. (Not that I like claustrophobic feelings, ;-), but for this photo this works very well!)