Thursday, July 22, 2010

George Washington

Statue of George Washington in the Public Garden. Created by Thomas Ball in 1869, it is the first statue of the former president on his horse.


jennyfreckles said...

That's such a good composition, juxtaposing the natural beauty against the skyscrapers. Imposing statue - what a high plinth they gave him.

brattcat said...

Terrific perspective on this.

B SQUARED said...

Looks beautiful for this time of year.

Hilda said...

It looks fantastic among the plants and even the tall buildings.

Birdman said...

When I'm at the Common, I always like to take a stroll by this one. And like you have it here--- looks so good with the backdrop of buildings.

Lois said...

Simply magnificent!

Prettypics123 said...

I like where you have placed the statue in this photograph.

Terry Stonecrop said...

Again, your knack for composition. Nice. He looks dashing:)

Malyss said...

It's like if the modern world is still walking behind him! beautyful picture!

SRQ said...

Wonderful capture. Makes me want to visit Boston!