Tuesday, July 20, 2010



Tash said...

Well if one has to wait, the red makes it a pleasant place. Looks pretty warm. I like everyone's aloofness in the photo.

Lois said...

I do like those red tiles!

Malyss said...

There are so many ways to wait..you show them very well; What an interesting shot!

John said...

With the warm humid weather we have in the S.E of England, I can empathise with the guy.

jennyfreckles said...

A scene repeated in various situations across the world! Good candid shot.

brattcat said...

Oh, he looks hot. What a revealing portrait this is.

Z said...

Great photo!

Birdman said...

I like this street candid. The red... the blue.

Martina said...

I like that - you caught the moment very well - and the red tiles give the extra touch.

Stefan Jansson said...

The only time I enjoy waiting is when I have a camera at hand. And I always have a camera with me.