Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday Doorway

This week's doorway is University Memorial Chapel at Harvard University. The Memorial Church is the church for Harvard University, dedicated on Armistice Day 1932 in memory of those who died in World War I, a gift of the alumni to the University.

This Church has long been regarded as the symbolic center of Harvard's spiritual life, and stands opposite Widener Library as a visible reminder of the historical and spiritual heritage that has sustained Harvard for nearly four centuries.


Hilda said...

I'm glad you caught the kids there — gives a good sense of the massive size of those columns!

Cezar and Léia said...

The columns are huge!Wonderful post!

Juergen Kuehn said...

Another great doorway in your unique style - with a little bit of "street life".

Anonymous said...

can i hire you for a few odd shots around MY town?


amatamari© said...

But in my part where are these ports?

Okay, one day I will go to Rome,
photograph all the doors
and gates and drawbridges well
and every Wednesday publish them

Thanks, another photo
very nice ...

Lowell said...

That's a very well-composed photo, Clueless...and the people on the steps give it scale. Great job.

Of course, one wag I heard said he didn't think there was any "spiritual life" at Harvard.

I thought he was a smart-aleck!

slim said...

This blissful moment you caught is a tribute to those soldiers of long ago. I like all the 3s you've got going in the composition: 3 palladium windows, 3 columns, and 3 life forms (boy, girl and dog). . . very nice.

cieldequimper said...

I think that's my favourite to date! How the couple and dog are dwarfed by the sheer height of the columns and the threes...

Barbara Tibbetts Chace said...

Another great shot!!

Julie said...

excellent image. the black and whit works perfectly.

Chuck Pefley said...

Love the placement of the couple in front of the huge pillar for scale. Very nice.

Profile Not Available said...

I haven't been out "blogging" in so long, and I was glad today to catch up on your recent posts! I really like this shot very much!

Unknown said...

Very nice composition and the couple finish it off nicely.