Thursday, April 2, 2009

Touring Boston

Seen on School Street yesterday at lunchtime, a tourist group being led by a guide in period costume.


Tash said...

Love the guide's expression and the yellow britches. The students look like little ducklings following close behind.
Wonderful shot. (I am esp. impressed that you got a candid photo of the front of a person - I find it really hard to get those.)

magiceye said...

superb shot!

Cezar and Léia said...

I can imagine my "teen "daughter Marina there! Wonderful picture!
We can see that you are always "ready"for the next shot!
Great post!
Kind Regards

cieldequimper said...

Excellent shot. Know what? I'm not usually drawn to organised tourism but I would just have to take this one... just for the guide!!!

Anonymous said...

Loving this!

brattcat said...

What a terrific catch! He looks to be the perfect guide. It looks almost as if he's come forward out of a distant past and is leading his group back through time.

Lowell said...

Terrific shot, captured the essence of the scene perfectly...

This guy acts like he knows what he's doing and the tourists -- well, they look like tourists.

Julie said...

great capture. the guy looks like he is straight out of the time period. I bet he is a fun guide. In answer to your question, yes that is a person standing next to the Chihuly Saffron Tower. It is a tall tower! I am glad you enjoyed the Yellow Chihuly Saffron Tower for theme day! Thanks for your comments.

slim said...

You caught the precise moment here. The tour guide is so "in character" and I like the way the tourists are looking in different directions trying to take it all in. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Goodness, I had to look twice. I have a friend who is a tour guide in York, who doesn't look dissimilar to your Boston guide. Maybe he's been doing some moonlighting!

Marie-Noyale said...

And everybody seems to find this absolutely Normal!!!
Great timing!

Linnea said...

I think that guide wishes he were somewhere else. LOL...great candid shot!

Anonymous said...

spot on shot.

Juergen Kuehn said...

The catch of the hour. Great!

Marie Reed said...

Is this on the Freedom Trail? Boston is my favorite city in the States! New York overwhelmed me but Boston has such charm and character!

C Gibson said...

We had this tour guide around the first week of May. He was great!