Monday, February 8, 2010

Monochrome Monday

Monochrome Monday brings us to Park Street and people soliciting for a cause. Sometimes the cause people solicit for is for themselves (panhandlers), and sometimes the cause is for others.

Panhandlers are mostly benign as they ask for change and some even offer good wishes as you hurry by. Professional panhandlers, or rather paid solicitors, accost you with guilt and challenge you to save the [insert cause here]. I know they are just trying to do some good while also making some money for themselves, but I just can't shake the feeling it's a little bit of a scam. I guess maybe I just don't like the hard sell.


Carolyn Ford said...

I avoid all of them like the plague! have a fabulous black and white of a "busy" street scene.

John said...

I also avoid them here in the UK. Good strong blacks and whites in the shot.

brattcat said...

Looks as if you've captured a lovely young photographer.

Dragonstar said...

And you're supposed to feel guilty because you don't want to help.
Excellent photo.

Chuck Pefley said...

Years ago I was walking with a guy much older and wiser than I (perhaps I was 20 then) who responded to a panhandler asking for money, "no, sorry, I just had a haircut." The rejoinder struck me as both funny and apt ...

Lois said...

I don't like the hard sell either! It's very annoying.

Serendipity said...

I'm with you on this. I also recently discovered that some of those people are paid to do that! I do, however, like your picture very much :)

Regina said...

Great one!

Anonymous said...

I don't trust most of them either. Excellent street photography. The B&W contrast and tonality is spot on.