Monday means it's monochrome day for many folks. The list of participants can be found at
Aileni's Home of Monochrome Monday. I'm sure you'll find many interesting and wonderful photos to enjoy as you start your week. Please visit as many participants as you can and leave a comment if you are so inclined. Have a great week.
"All the people
that pass through our lives
leave their marks
in an endless flow back and forth...
The remaining ones...
are simply because
they gave their hearts to come
in line with our souls..."
I loved this post! Thanks for this fabulous ANGEL !
another excellent monochrome photo. A magnificent angel to start the day off with beauty, stature and elegance. thanks for your comments on my sight about the nightscape series. A brilliant full moon tomorrow.
This angel is beautifully composed against the dark background. I appreciate that you gave the statue a sense of place. This really works in monochrome.
That's a lovely shot. I think it's perfect for mono. Beautiful composition; she looks so graceful and like she's about to leave. I think cemeteries are excellent places to look for photo ops...and you certainly found one there!
Excellent shot and what a great angel statue. I scanned your posts below. I like the idea of 100 strangers. Nice posts.
Great contrast. Interesting grave marker.
I think you have shown ous this sculpture before??
After all I love it, the dreaming sight with all those trees around.
Nice week to you from Anne in Norway.
Beautiful statue. I love angels and yours is reallt stylish.
Have a nice week:)
What a beautiful angel. It's a tombstone, isn't it?
Cemeteries are a great source of inspiration for photographers.You choosed a beautyful statue, smart and elegant, with some lightness in its opened wings, like if it was about to fly away, or had just been landing; You made a very poetic picture.
I think these statues were actually made to encourage B&W photographers.
Perfectly angelic mononchrome,
Perfect composition. It looks like it's in a graveyard, any story to it?
You've chosen such a fine angle for this. I love her in profile with that elegant wing rising behind her and that mass of hair caught and just barely held in a knot.
I enjoyed that one so cleat from the background and only the other gravestone clearly visible.
Incredible image: this black and white reminds me an old movie.
It's a beautiful photo, but I can't help it: the hair on my nape and arms are all standing up! Quite creepy in b/w.
Really nice in b&w.
Love this .. its eloquent!
This has a mystical feel to it. Nice one.
Very nice. Obviously, you've been rummaging around in cemeteries again.
I can't do that. It'd be the death of me.
So serene.....
Lovely monochrome, as these statues should be..:-)
Lovely mono! :-)
Striking image. Most probably more so for being in black and white, I doubt it would stand out so well in colour (but I could be wrong!)
Beautiful. There is an old cemetary in central Ohio that I drive through every time I visit. There is statuary quite similar to this in the oldest section...all of the angels are female...I love their have a beautiful one here...they appear to be poised so lightly on the stone, as if they're only staying a moment-juxtaposed against the eternal nature of their surroundings...
Beautiful and compelling...
It's beautiful.
Great photo!!
What a beautiful sculpture of the angel and so well photographed.
Beautiful photo.
Monochrome suits this angel. I'm always surprised to see female angels. Ah, something to ponder today. ;-)
A very fine composition.
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