Thursday, April 26, 2007

Charles Street Hardware Store

Window shot of a hardware store selling period hardware pieces. This store is on Charles Street, at the foot of Beacon Hill; a good location to sell pricey antique hardware reproductions and originals.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Going Nowhere

This stairway is on Mr. Vernon Street on Beacon Hill (near the intersection of Joy Street). I wonder what happened to the doorway and why it was bricked up; but more importantly, why the granite stairs and railing were not removed too.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

First Sign of Spring in Boston

Finally the temperature reached 80+ degrees in Boston and it feels like Spring might have actually arrived in Boston. This shot is on Beacon Street, just past the Hampshire House.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Hooker Statue at Mass. State House

Civil War General Joseph Hooker of Massachusetts on the grounds of the State House facing Beacon Street.

Major General Hooker was the third commander of the Army of the Potomac. The Hadley, Massachusetts native was a West Point graduate, and served with distinction in Mexico (1846-47). He also led troops with distinction at Antietam and Fredericksburg. As commander of the Army he reorganized the army and improved soldiers' conditions. In his first major battle he was out maneuvered even though Union troops were twice as numerous. Lincoln accepted Hooker's resignation after the defeat. Though success had not been his as a commander, he served honorably under Generals Grant and Sherman, and retired as a Major General in 1868.

Here is a picture of General Hooker done by Matthew Brady's studio.

[ click image to enlarge ]

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Digging up Charles Street

This is a picture I took yesterday on Charles Street. I thought it was interesting because it provides some color on a drab and overcast day and showed five workers standing around while the one man in the hole (unseen from this angle) was the only worker doing work at this moment. And there are two policemen on detail; why two when all you need is one supervise.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Charles Street Market

It's a grey and raw day in Boston with the forecast for more of the same for the next few days, and I think we need a little color to brighten our day. This is a market on Charles Street with a nice selection of fresh and colorful fruit.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Dewey Square (South Station)

Geometric shaped buildings in Dewey Sq., viewed from the plaza in front of the Federal Reserve Building.

The entrance to the T in the lower left is interesting and reminds me a little bit of the I.M. Pei designed Louvre Pyramid.