Saturday, May 17, 2008

Empty cafe

Empty Fanueil Hall cafe on a chilly weekday afternoon.


Lara said...

warmer days will come! great photo!

Jilly said...

Love the photo. Really works in B and W. Adds to the desolation of the day somehow.

Ineke said...

Very nice B&W

Lady Demeter said...

you captuered the atmosphere pretty well! I live the b&w. I hope you get some warmer days soon :).

Jane Hards Photography said...

This looks like France. You had me fooled. It's such a great image, to capture aplce like this so vacant. The b&w is perfect.

b.c. said...

oh i like this very much, really evocative with a touch of moody

 gmirage said...

I agree with Jilly. A classic photo in B&W, indeed enhanced the isolation effect.

yoshi said...

This photo has such a wonderful atmosphere thanks to the B&W! Very nice!