Saturday, June 28, 2008

Seagull by the seashore


Chris said...

Lovely shot of the gull. . . .I know that they're messy creatures, but I do enjoy watching them. When my mom was alive, she lived in Youngstown, OH, a very land-locked place. A flock of gulls somehow gravitated towards a commercial area there. They're still there, although no one knows why or how they got there/stay there.

Nathalie H.D. said...

They do look serious, don't they? Even mean. Or not in a mood for a joke anyway.

Great photo.

Chris said...

A quick answer to your question about magnolias. . .

The large ones can grow 40-50 ft. in height. I have seen some that tall. The leaves are quite large, as are the flowers. The mini magnolias like we bought will grow to be about 10-12 feet tall. The flowers are not quite as large. From what I understand, there are a lot of different species of magnolias.

magiceye said...

lovely capture!!

Isadora said...

doesn't he look regal :) Nice shot and 'hello'