Monday, August 4, 2008


Outside the newly opened Fenway entrance of the Museum of Fine Arts.


Hilda said...

What the…?

I like going to art exhibits and I try hard to keep an open mind about what I see, but methinks that baby head is a little too strange even for me.

Unknown said...

What a picture! Truly eye catching!

Ann (MobayDP) said...

I like how you captured the little boy walking past the head. It looks like the baby's head is watching him walk by.

Knoxville Girl said...

Heads will roll! (hopefully not)
This is really bizarre, but I expect that's the point. Good shot.

Jilly said...

Love this juxtatoposition.

Laurie Allee said...

What a fabulous shot.

Virginia said...

Whoooaaa, that's what I call a "Portal Popper". I agree with everyone on this one. Strange but true.

Lara said...

what a great capture! the contrast is awsome!

Kunal Bhatia said...

very well shot..
- Mindless Mumbai


Nice catch, with a good angle and the contrast of colors between the 2 caracters

Greyhound Girl said...

That's just creepy- but I like the back that the big scary baby head is gonna eat the walking child.

Isadora said...

I'm with Ann - the photo of the child walking by is cute. Otherwise I would be interested to know the source and the intent of the statue as it looks pretty....unique, especially in front of a museum. Is it a permanent fixture or part of an exhibit inside?

Jules said...

Yikes - a bodiless baby - not sure what it is supposed to mean but i guess it doesn't have to does it?? It just needs to get our attention and make us think!!!!

Clueless in Boston said...

Hi All and thanks for your comments. The Baby's head sculpture is permanent and there are actually two of them flanking the front of the building. I only posted pictures from the left side of the entrance. The sculptor is Spanish (sorry, I didn't write down his name) and is still living; other than that I didn't pay much attention to the details of his work, I was having too much fun taking pictures.

Janet Kincaid said...

Excellent! Now, if only the sculpture of the baby had an open mouth, it would look like it was eating that kid. Great picture!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Whole new meaning to off with her head. The juxtaposition and perspective of the child and sculpture are marvellous. A very professional image. Would love to see as a monochrome.