Saturday, May 22, 2010

Franklin Street Reflections


cieldequimper said...

Banking principles, eh? ;-)
Love this shot. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Beautiful reflections.

Birdman said...

Banking principles??? Let me the first to say--- oxymoron! hahaha But I do love the shot.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Love this photo! If a doctor/psychiatrist ever asked me, "So, what's in your head?" I think I'll log on and show this picture! It captures the concept of image, upon image, upon image.........



Malyss said...

Reflections are beautyful, but the "principles" catch the eyes!Even (or should I say "especially"..)them seem unreal!Ü

joo said...

Great shoto!
Nice weekend to you:)

Tash said...

Great sign! (It could be considered a funny sign for TD - depending on where it's placed).
Grand reflection.

Hilda said...

I really love the juxtaposition of modern and historical buildings. Though, like the others, I do question the poster, after what happened to the U.S. financial industry.

Hello from Toronto! :)

T. Becque said...

Love all the lines and shapes!

Andrey Dorokhov said...

I like that composition, colors and contrast