As per a request of Tuesday's photo, here is a close up of
some of the participants in the parade of the Ancient and
Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts.
And below are some of the other participants in the parade.
some of the participants in the parade of the Ancient and
Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts.
And below are some of the other participants in the parade.
When they were formed they probably carried the British flag. Time moves on.
It's really cool, I love those uniforms!
That's a colorful group
Do They allow women in the company?...
or men are allowed to wear long hair!
Thanks for adding this shot. Neat!
Love those colorful uniforms. Looks like a nice ceremony -- and fun to shoot.
Lots of pageantry.
What a great parade! The uniforms are very beautyful and well made. All that makes the history become alive!That's both interesting and moving.And the contrast between the people and the modern city is funny!
I like how you chose to shoot the horses! Nice composition.
That's pretty good. Thanks for the close-up. The Uniforms are very colorful.
Great colors. I always was watching, never participated. Interesting how it is felt from inside.
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