Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesday Doorway

This week's doorway can be found on Commonwealth Ave.


Unknown said...

A beautiful doorway.
Looks like it has been copied from an ancient greek temple.

John said...

A very grand entrance, I guess classical architecture around your door meant that you had 'made it'.

joo said...

Terrific dooway, and snow makes it even more special:)

Kate said...

I have a poster that I've owned for years of "The Doors of Washington, DC" and none of them could match this beauty. What a delightful entrance!

Malyss said...

What a strange door! it is beautyful but the walls around seem to belong to an abandoned house..Is it the castle of the Sleeping Beauty?..:)

brattcat said...

I like the delicate winter apparel the steps are wearing.

jennyfreckles said...

It looks rather mysterious...

ProudUSARECWife said...

What a beautiful doorway! Looks like gold leafing where the glass is, but I am assuming the look is actually due to reflection?