View looking up the Beacon Street Mall of the Boston Common on a snowy day last week. The scene is the same today as we got blanketed by more snow last night and are headed for a deep freeze over the next few days. Here is another photo of the Mall on a March day two years ago, viewed from a different perspective.
That photo is sooo "Boston" - I enjoyed a sales conference there a few years ago!
Yes, parts of our country are "enjoying" a deep freeze yet it is still possible to appreciate the beauty of a scene such as this one.
Stay warm in the deep freeze; our temps are back to freezing, but no snow.
The white snow matches very well with the red walls!
Here, we have full sun, do you want some?..:)
Postcard perfect photo. All that snow reminds me of wearing two pairs of socks and two pairs of gloves when I lived in Boston!
A most attractive photo - but I'm glad we have got rid of all our snow. It looks really deep in Boston.
Beautiful view: I like this snow that seems to change every color!
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