I was just thinking: "this door is looking very parisian"!Ü
i don't know how you could ever lack for an interesting boston doorway but this is a delightful substitute, coatrack and all.
Amazing! I posted a blue doorway in Paris yesterday. I wonder how many blue doors there might be there anyway? A million?This one is great in detail and a luscious blue.Bises,Genie
Very nice!
What a gorgeous colour and ornaments!
Parisian and so romantic door! Magnificent!Léia
The color is striking~ almost robin's egg. Lovely!
I was thinking of Genie's blue doorway from yesterday, too. This one is interesting, but they got pretty confused in the transom windows, didn't they?
They chose the right color, looks so festive.
Blue doors in Paris -- a good substitute for a Boston door photo. I love visiting both cities.
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I was just thinking: "this door is looking very parisian"!Ü
i don't know how you could ever lack for an interesting boston doorway but this is a delightful substitute, coatrack and all.
Amazing! I posted a blue doorway in Paris yesterday. I wonder how many blue doors there might be there anyway? A million?
This one is great in detail and a luscious blue.
Very nice!
What a gorgeous colour and ornaments!
Parisian and so romantic door! Magnificent!
The color is striking~ almost robin's egg. Lovely!
I was thinking of Genie's blue doorway from yesterday, too. This one is interesting, but they got pretty confused in the transom windows, didn't they?
They chose the right color, looks so festive.
Blue doors in Paris -- a good substitute for a Boston door photo. I love visiting both cities.
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