Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Doorway

This week's doorway can be found on Marlborough Street.


John said...

Some great lines in this shot; the steps, the way the window walls at the side angle in and then that wonderful 'sunburst' effect over the door. One of your best I think.

John said...

One more thought; I might have cropped at the bottom of the steps to keep the lovely warm stone colour without the gray of the concrete. Just a thought.

cieldequimper said...

"Sunburst" or halo, it's beautiful.

Malyss said...

The stairs give a kind of majesty to this door. And the stones around are like a crown to invite peple to come in.

joo said...

Very elegant doorway and I love the window!

Lois said...

I like the window too and the reflections.

slim said...

What an elegant doorway! I have never seen that stone effect around the door - - just brilliant.

Cezar and Léia said...

Very elegant door and I love the reflections!

Jack said...

Elegant. When I was a young 'un, lots of Marlborough was taken over by drunken college kids. Sure must have changed.