Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Minot Scituate Light in Scituate.


Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful shot! Really gorgeous light.

Malyss said...

"Minot" in french slang means "kid", and by extension, everything small.This lighthouse is a kind of baby Lighthouse! :o), surely located in a wonderful place with great view, as lighthouses often are..

jennyfreckles said...

Wonderful shape - and a gorgeous graduated blue sky.

Birdman said...

Exciting places to visit... beaches in winter.

Cezar and Léia said...

I have never visited a lighthouse, it's a dream for me!Thanks for sharing so beautiful picture!

Unknown said...

Wonderful photo! This is Scituate Lighthouse: http://lighthouse.cc/scituate/. The lighouse keeper, Bob Gallagher has a great blog: http://oldscituatelight.blogspot.com/

Minot is a bit further north and accessible only by boat: http://lighthouse.cc/minots/index.html

Hope you enjoyed your visit to our lovely town! :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

I live on an island, I have to love lighthouses, especially against such a gorgeous blue sky.

Unknown said...

Stark white stone light house centered on a rocky embankment against a cloudless blue sky - very spare, very clean, very nice.

Mandy said...

Oh wow. I love everything about this shot! The varying colours of the blue sky, the flag, the broken rocks at the base of the lighthouse and, of course, the lighthouse itself.