A couple of Boston's finest patrolling The Fenway area of Boston on horseback. I wonder if cellphones have taken over from police radios?
It's been a long week and I have been a little under the weather, so I'm glad to see the week end. TGIF. [click image to enlarge]

I really like the after view with the braided horse tails. Guess these must be honest to goodness
Pony Tails. :-) Hope you enjoy the weekend and find sunny skies again soon!
great looking horses!
Those horses are nice to see. Nice shoes on them too.
Two great photos. Those cops look as burly as the horses! And the guy on the phone looks like Pavarotti, lol.
Hope you feel better soon!
It must be so good to work with horses! These policemen are very lucky!
lol...Pony Tails! Both great photos, however you look, back or front...they're great!
So let me ask you this, Have you ever noticed how people on cell phones drive slower? Is the same true for cops on horseback? Inquiring minds want to know. :)
OMG... Looks like we were shooting the Fen the same day (I saw the cops, but missed the shot)! One of these days... ;)
Beautiful blue helmets
I put the second photo of this post at the right column of my blog, ok?? It's really beautiful!
I like the second picture.
I LOVE working Police horses!!!
Yes, the cell phone is at least an adjunct of Police communication now.
Sorry you've been under the weather. Me too. How dumb is it to wait till near Spring, to get my first Winter cold, hu? :-((((
loved seeing this!
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