Saturday, October 17, 2009

Street Work II

The work is almost finished on Winter Place and these guys seemed pretty pleased to have their picture taken. A few days make a difference.


magiceye said...

job well done!

John said...

Great black tones in the shot; I'd love to know what comments they made while you were taking it.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Great shot but it sure doesn't look like the work is almost done!

brattcat said...

Are these really the same guys? What a transformation. These b&ws of men at work are really terrific.

B SQUARED said...

Hopefully, they will finish soon.

VP said...

It's still a mess but it's getting better...

Malyss said...

The fact to picture the scenery in black and white give it a kind of sense of history; You're a moment 's rescuer, saving the memory of changing times!

Kcalpesh said...

Hey nice combination... and advanced Vintage photo it seems like... :-)

- Pixellicious Photos