Sunday, January 31, 2010

Before the Ocean Plunge

Somewhat warm and relaxed before the ocean plunge the week before last in Quincy for the John Hancock Birthday Plunge are Greg McMillen, Terry McMillen, Marie McDonald, and Erin McMillen. The girls are wearing the lobster headgear to advocate giving up eating lobsters. The January ocean plunge raises money for local charities and is a really fun event. Some of the swimmers, shown below, after the plunge coming out of the water was originally shown on Quincy Daily Photo.


Susan Ellis said...

Next weekend is our annual Polar Bear Dip where people jump through a hole carved out of the ice and into the river beneath. All for charity as well. BRRRRR

Saretta said...

Oh, they are far braver souls than me!

John said...

Very brave, but not for me.

Lowell said...

Cute headgear on the girls...wonder why they would have people stop eating lobsters?

Can't imagine what you possess people to jump into icy water without clothes on...there must be easier ways to raise money for charity! :-)

Julie said...

well this sounds like an exciting and invigorating event. i don't know how anyone can jump into cold water. Brrr! Thanks for sharing the information about the lobster head gear. I had no idea

amatamari© said...

Are generous hearts, have strong bodies and also a great sense of humor!

Maude Lynn said...

So cold!

Chuck Pefley said...

Hee hee! Looks like they can't exit the water quickly enough. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine doing this! I dont even want to take off my sweater when its cold, let alone go swimming! brrrrzzz

brattcat said...

I wouldn't even have gone out in a swimsuit last week in Florida. Brrrrr. More power to them.

Gunn White said...

Great shots!
Many HAPPY FACES, and I also like the RED colors.

Lois said...

They are very brave!

Tash said...

the girls are so pretty and seem wise for their age. I can support their 'give-up' lobster cause.
Love the woman in blue...I know other guys are cold, but I can identify with her.

Stefan Jansson said...

This beats skiing!