Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday Doorway

Doorway to a church and grill on Boylston Street.


Marie Reed said...

Wanna grab a brewskie after church?

Cezar and Léia said...

I liked the shadows, it's great!

John said...

Nice juxtaposition of the two businesses.

cieldequimper said...

It's lunchtime and all of a sudden, I am *very* hungry. Off to eat...

brattcat said...

Great catch.

Mette said...

hi there - thanks for the comment you left at my blog! :) I appreciate it. Glad to hear you like my blog!

I visit your blog from time to time also and I really like your everyday photos. :) makes me wanna visit Boston (I'm assuming thats where you are).

Have a good day! :)

Terry Stonecrop said...

Nice shot. I think your doorways are becoming my favorites.

Malyss said...

Church and grill?... what a strange mix for an European!

Chuck Pefley said...

Presumably they share the same space, or is it just the entrance?

joo said...

Very comfy - all in one:)

Lowell said...

What a great idea! If the sermon is as boring as usual, just belly up to the bar for a pick-me-up!