Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday's doorway

This magnificent doorway is located at 111 Park Dr. in the Fenway. The entire building and block can be seen in the picture below.


Southern Heart said...

That one is fabulous!!

Chuck Pefley said...

I do love the Back Bay area! Wonderful architecture there. Really great example you gave us today. Thanks!

Lezard said...

Gorgeous example of neoclassical (?) architecture in your city!

Isadora said...

This house deserves to be on the corner. I simply LOVE the whole look: columns, cake icing look of the architecture, wrought iron. Wonderful place and a great take :)

Jim Klenke said...

Thats a nice doorway, entrance area and building.

Jilly said...

That's one beautiful and impressive doorway. Beautiful house too.

Thanks for noticing the fruit clock on Menton DP! The lemon is the symbol of Menton so I'll probably keep it going - even tho it's an orange.

Lara said...

magnificent is the right word!

George Townboy said...

The word that popped into my head when I saw the photo was, "Magnificent!" I'll stick with that.

smilnsigh said...

Fit for a king!!!

Corey Templeton said...

I think I've walked by this one before, what a beauty