Thursday, January 29, 2009


Winter runners.


brattcat said...

What a great study in B&W.

Anonymous said...

i discovered your blog yesterday and appreciate the hell out of your talent. not to mention the opportunity to "vist" boston from my kitchen (in columbus, ohio).

my photographic skills do not extend beyond being able to say, "is this thing on?" - but i know good pictures when i see them! and yours are good! very good! superb!


Julie said...

wow another great shot. good eye

Marie-Noyale said...

Some people are brave!
I did not walk yesterday..

You really shot beautiful B&W pictures.

brattcat said...

Thanks for visiting. The Retreat is still operating as a psychiatric hospital. But your question about fairy tales is wide open for interpretation.

Light and Voices said...

Fantastic eye and composition in your photograph!