Friday, May 22, 2009

Lines and Shadows

Late afternoon sun casts some great shadows.


amatamari© said...


joo said...

I like the colours of this photo.

rom said...

Nelle composizioni geometriche sei bravo: complimenti!
Nelle tue foto di persone, non c'è la stessa precisione di inquadratura: non sopporto le mani tagliate, per esempio, le considero un mio sbaglio nel momento dello scatto; dovevo accorgermene, fare un passo indietro o andare verso il grandangolare - se possibile, ovviamente.

Malyss said...

Once more, the picture makes me think about Edward Hopper's paintings..Sunset, loneliness in the city, shadows on the wall, everything is there.And for a European, this picture also sounds very American: bricks walls with those kinds of "safety scales", we saw that on lots of movies..

cieldequimper said...

Wonderful composition, I'm not sure I would have thought of that! The colours are so warm, too.

brattcat said...

I have taken almost exactly the same image here in Brattleboro. Needless to say, I love the way your eye frames things. I wonder if we went on a walk together how many of our images would be matches.

Cezar and Léia said...

Beuatiful shadows!

Lois said...

I like the color and composition of this shot. Very nice!

Unknown said...

Great composition and light. The lines of the shadows are just perfect.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Interesting shot. I do like the lines of the... is that a fire escape?

Anonymous said...

Very artsy!