This weeks doorway is located at One Winthrop Square near Boston's Financial District.
Winthrop Square is located at the intersection of Otis Street and Devonshire Street. It is named after John Winthrop, the first Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, because his house was in the vicinity.
Beautyful and impressive entrance! Is the man part of your project about portraits? Anyway, the fact that he's there gives something more to the picture..
What a nice building! I'm not sure if they were from the same family, but Winthrop Park here in Tallahassee was named for Guy Winthrop, who purchased the land as a plantation in the 1860's. Tomorrow I am posting a picture of a historical marker near the park which explains a little bit of the history of the area.
I like your doorway/entrance very much -- having soemone standing on front of the building brings the picture to life!
Awhile back, I "met" someone that was doing a meme with doors and I was going to join it but my computer crashed and I lost the link by time as I was ready. Had a bunch of doors in a folder too! Are you participating in that?
I worked in this building back in the 80's. It (was) beautiful inside and out. My office window on the first floor overlooked the square. All day we'd see the drunks sleeping on the benches and the bag ladies relieving themselves in the shrubs...ewwe! Regardless, it was my favorite place to work back in the day when Carlton Hunneman had his RE company there. He was a wonderful old soul. Thanks for picking One Winthop Sq. as your doorway today!
Fun to look through your blog pictures. I especially like your Wednesday doorway series. I'm new to CDP; I started EAGAN daily photo. Swing by "Legal Seafood" and have lunch for me there! Regards from the Twin Cities of Minnesota
Looks like very eegant building.It's great composition with this man standig (was he posing you?). And you caught me, well sometimes I write haiku:)
Beautyful and impressive entrance! Is the man part of your project about portraits? Anyway, the fact that he's there gives something more to the picture..
I wonder what he's doing in front of such a beautiful and stylish office building!
and.... he's even hoding the door open for you... did you walk on in?
This doorway is so elegant!
A business building for sure!
Some interesting reflections in the windows.
What a nice building! I'm not sure if they were from the same family, but Winthrop Park here in Tallahassee was named for Guy Winthrop, who purchased the land as a plantation in the 1860's. Tomorrow I am posting a picture of a historical marker near the park which explains a little bit of the history of the area.
Fancy looking entrance. I like it!
I like your doorway/entrance very much -- having soemone standing on front of the building brings the picture to life!
Awhile back, I "met" someone that was doing a meme with doors and I was going to join it but my computer crashed and I lost the link by time as I was ready. Had a bunch of doors in a folder too! Are you participating in that?
That is one fantabulous doorway into what appears to be quite an elegant building.
Was the man holding the door for you or was he about ready to chase you off?
Is this guy smoking outside?...
Nice and elegant entrance.
What an imposing entrance.
that's a nice looking doorway, nice shot!
I worked in this building back in the 80's. It (was) beautiful inside and out. My office window on the first floor overlooked the square.
All day we'd see the drunks sleeping on the benches and the bag ladies relieving themselves in the shrubs...ewwe! Regardless, it was my favorite place to work back in the day when Carlton Hunneman had his RE company there. He was a wonderful old soul. Thanks for picking One Winthop Sq. as your doorway today!
Fun to look through your blog pictures. I especially like your Wednesday doorway series. I'm new to CDP; I started EAGAN daily photo. Swing by "Legal Seafood" and have lunch for me there! Regards from the Twin Cities of Minnesota
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