Sunday, June 28, 2009

Are you ready?

A group of Mennonites on Boston Common singing and evangelizing.


Hilda said...

First time I've heard of Mennonites. I hope their singing was good at least.

Malyss said...

We have absolutely not this kind of people in France, and I think in Europe. Are they a little like the Amish?
In this case, the answer is "no" (I'm not ready!)
Bon dimanche!

joo said...

Who are Mennonites? Have never heard about them. Lovely park:)

VP said...

In the late 90's I met a Mennonite pastor on a flight from Poland. He was going back home in the States from a 'house' they had in Kiev, Ukraine. He told me they had many brethren there and in Russia.

Anonymous said...

malyss, please don't be so quick to judge.

Cezar and Léia said...

I don't know this religion.
I think they would sing there for a kind of event.Maybe...
Have a great weekend!
Léia :-)

brattcat said...

Excellent post, fascinating comments.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I believe that Mennonites are a somewhat more liberal form of Amish. Very simply put of course. I think they are a beautiful people to watch. I never knew that they did this type of thing. I wonder do they allow people to join? the Amish do not. it must have been quite a show.

cieldequimper said...

I saw some in Washington Square, NYC 20 years ago and was amazed. I don't think you'd ever see religious evangelising on the streets here. You've done an excellent job showing them to us. Have a great Sunday.

B SQUARED said...

That must have been a strange site on The Common.

Saretta said...

Am I ready for what?

Lowell said...

The Mennonites are a derivation from the Amish...but not as strict...originally attached to the German Pietistic movement...

Nice people; ultra conservative; and very outwardly pious...

Like the Mennonites, groups have been singing that Jesus is coming back anytime since the days of St. Paul - at least 2,000 years ago...

Some folks never get discouraged I guess.

Love the way you framed this shot...It appears the young woman in front is browsing Mennonite literature.

But, on second thought, this seems unusual...the Mennonites are not generally so "in your face."

Anonymous said...

the mennonites that you are familiar with must be quite different from the ones here in ohio, jacob. because the ones here in ohio are ANYTHING but in your face.

they are quiet and retiring and, aside from their clothing, you'd barely know they were there.

Linnea said...

Your shot of this scene is very really transports one to the scene! All we need is some background music!