Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday Doorway

This week's doorway is the front entrance to the Museum of Fine Arts on Huntington Avenue, which recently re-opened after extensive renovations. Below is a close up of the front doors.


DAG said...

Wonderful photos. Quite an impressive building both inside and out. I usually make there during one of free admission periods. A very nice benefit they offer the community.

VP said...

I have seen MFA only on books, I know this is one of the best museum of the world. You first photo is stunning: the manicured lawn, the statues and the majestic building with the great tree on the left.
The second is really a great wood-paneled door. Great images.

joo said...

The door is adorable, I love it! Superb photos:)

Malyss said...

Very impressive and monumental gate!The details of the wooden part are so rich. The kind of place I'd like so much to visit!

Malyss said...

Me again: and Thank you for your nice words for June, 16!Ü

brattcat said...

Beautiful composition on that first shot. And really nice detail work on the second.

Cezar and Léia said...

Magnificent doorway!
I loved the detail on the second shot!
Thanks for sharing!
Be happy always!

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

Great. I definitely want to explore the MFA some day...

Unknown said...

Gorgeous building and a great door!

B SQUARED said...

Lovely! Really beautiful.

Harriet said...

Great photo. I'm glad that they have finished with this part of the renovation.

What about a photo of the Forsyth which the MFA recently purchased? The tall windows on the front give some idea as to how enormous the space is on the inside. I spent 3 years studying orthodontics at the Forsyth and I am periodically nostalgic.

Too bad the 'greasy spoon' in the basement of the nearby building closed. I ate breakfast there, every week day, for 3 years.

cieldequimper said...

OK, I love everything here: the building, the lawn, Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese, the statue (is it really what I think it is?) and the door, yes, even the door.

amatamari© said...


Lowell said...

More superb photography! Love the framing, too!