Yellow roses from the Rose Kennedy Memorial Garden. I had never visited this garden before. It has 103 rose bushes in honor of Rose Kennedy, one for each year of her life.
I really do learn so much from you! I thought that I knew the area fairly well because my parents live in New Hampshire now and talk about their adventures in and about the city! You have given me such a looooong list of 'must sees' My Mom reads your blog now too:)
Picture perfect roses & photo. 103
bushes in bloom must be a sight to see.
I love them!
I like this romantic idea of a rose bush for every year of a life..At the end, your life becomes a wonderful garden.
Tash is right: this is a perfect image of perfect flowers.
I haven't seen in completed it. It looked great even part way done though.
I love yellow roses...well, I love pretty much all roses.
We are grateful that you have visited this garden now!It's wonderful!
Lovely roses. Btw I've left you a little gift on my blog :-)
Are these as fragrant as they are beautiful?
I really do learn so much from you! I thought that I knew the area fairly well because my parents live in New Hampshire now and talk about their adventures in and about the city! You have given me such a looooong list of 'must sees' My Mom reads your blog now too:)
A nice tribute to a wonderful lady.
Three thoughts came immediately to mind: These are gorgeous; great photo--very sharp; what year of her life do these represent?
The last thought was just silly.
Wonderful shot! I had forgotten that she lived so long!
Have a great day.
Is a beautiful image also for its meaning ...
Thanks, I know new things
through your frames...
They are stunning! What a wonderful way to remember her.
What a fantastic tribute.
serous yellow!
Now we know there are at least 103 types of roses. Yellow ones are my favorite!!
Beautiful yellow rose.
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